Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Letter V


Love, Splat by Rob Scotton
This is the Van That Dad Cleaned by Lisa Campbell Ernst
The Sleepless Little Vampire by Richard Egielski
There Ones Wad a Man Named Michael Finnegan by Mary Ann Hoberman

Additional Books:

Vulture View by April Pulley Sayre
The Giant Carrot by Jan Peck
Ruby, Violet, Lime: Looking for Color by Jane Brocket

Felt Board Song:

What begins with V?
(to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)

Oh, what begins with V? Oh, what begins with V?
We all know, we'll tell you so
Oh, what begins with V?

Violin begins with V, Violin begins with V.
We all know, we'll tell you so
Violin begins with V.

Van begins with V...
Valentine begins with V... 

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