Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday Lapsit


Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails by Nancy Tafuri
Do Cows Meow? by Salina Yoon

 This week we put together the signs we had used the previous two weeks:


Opening Song—big group
(to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Hello eyes and hello nose,
Hello fingers, hello toes
Hello shirt and hello shoes,
Hello me and hello you.

Grey Squirrel

Grey squirrel, grey squirrel (bounce)
swish your bushy tail (swish knees side to side)
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel  (bounce)
swish your bushy tail (swish knees side to side)
Wrinkle up your little nose (touch baby’s nose)
Crack some acorns between your toes (touch baby’s toes)
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel  (bounce)
swish your bushy tail. (swish knees side to side)

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory dickory dock, 
the mouse ran up the clock,(run fingers up from baby's toes to head)
the clock struck one (clap once)
the mouse ran down (run fingers down from head to toes)
hickory dickory dock.

Other verses:
...the clock struck two, the mouse said boo
...the clock struck three, the mouse said wee!

Round and Round the Garden
(circle finger on baby's palm then walk up the arm and tickle) 
Round and round the garden, 
goes the teddy bear.
One step. Two steps. Tickle under there!

Down By the Banks

Down by the banks of the hanky panky (bounce)  
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky (bounce)  
With a hip, hop, a hippity hop  (bounce)  
Jump from the lilypad (lift) and kerplop! (set on the floor between legs) 

We Hit the Floor Together
(to the tune of For He's a Jolly Good Fellow)

We hit the floor together
we hit the floor together, 
we hit the floor together, 
because it's fun to do!

Other verses:
We clap our hands together...
We wiggle our fingers together...
We hit the floor together...

Hand Clap Song

Can you clap with two hands?
Two hands? Two hands?
Can you clap with two hands?
Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.

Other verses:
Can you kick with two feet?
Can you wiggle ten fingers? 
Can you kiss with two lips?
Can you wave bye bye?

Bye Bye Bubbles
(to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Bye bye bubbles, bye bye bubbles.
See you soon, see you soon.    (x2)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Letter V


Love, Splat by Rob Scotton
This is the Van That Dad Cleaned by Lisa Campbell Ernst
The Sleepless Little Vampire by Richard Egielski
There Ones Wad a Man Named Michael Finnegan by Mary Ann Hoberman

Additional Books:

Vulture View by April Pulley Sayre
The Giant Carrot by Jan Peck
Ruby, Violet, Lime: Looking for Color by Jane Brocket

Felt Board Song:

What begins with V?
(to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)

Oh, what begins with V? Oh, what begins with V?
We all know, we'll tell you so
Oh, what begins with V?

Violin begins with V, Violin begins with V.
We all know, we'll tell you so
Violin begins with V.

Van begins with V...
Valentine begins with V... 

Wenesday Lapsit


I Had a Rooster by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Barnyard Banter by Denise Fleming

I Had a Rooster is one of my all time favorite lapsit books. I generally love doing books that you sing, but the Cock-a-doodle-do is totally out of my singing range and it always makes the parents laugh as I try to make it happen. It's ridiculous but a lot of fun. I didn't do the entire book - I ended after pig, as it tends to drag for the usual short lapsit fair.

We also added a few new signs for these stories. We would use the sign whenever we said the word in one of the books:


Opening Song—big group
(to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Hello eyes and hello nose,
Hello fingers, hello toes
Hello shirt and hello shoes,
Hello me and hello you.

Grey Squirrel

Grey squirrel, grey squirrel (bounce)
swish your bushy tail (swish knees side to side)
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel  (bounce)
swish your bushy tail (swish knees side to side)
Wrinkle up your little nose (touch baby’s nose)
Crack some acorns between your toes (touch baby’s toes)
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel  (bounce)
swish your bushy tail. (swish knees side to side)

Pat a Cake

Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker's men (clap)
bake me a cake as fast as you can. (clap)
roll it  (roll babies hands)
and pat it (pat hands together)
and mark it with a "B" (write a "B" in the air or on the babies belly)

and put it in the oven (bring hands forward as though offering something)
for baby and me. (tickle baby on "baby" and point to yourself on "me")

 We Hit the Floor Together
(to the tune of For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow)

We hit the floor together,
We hit the floor together,
We hit the floor together,
Because it’s fun to do!

Other verses:
We clap our hands together…
We wiggle our fingers together…
We hit the floor together...

This is the Way the Farmer Rides
(Bounce baby on knees slowly side to side) 

This is the way the Farmer Rides

The farmer rides, the farmer rides

This is the way the farmer rides

so early in the morning.

This is the way the lady rides (Bounce baby on knees as though riding in side saddle) 

This is the way the gentleman rides, (Bounce baby on knees very fast) 

This is the way the baby rides. (Bounce baby on knees slowly side to side)

Down By the Banks

 Done by the banks of the hanky panky (bounce)
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky (bounce)
With a hip, hop, a hippity hop  (bounce)
Jump from the lilypad (lift)
and kerplop! (set on the floor between legs)

Bye Bye Bubbles
(to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Bye bye bubbles, bye bye bubbles,
See you soon, see you soon,  (x2)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Letter U


Charlie's Superhero Underpants by Paul Bright
The Thingamabob by Il Sung Na
Goldilicious by Victoria Kann

Additional Books:

Inside All by Margaret Mason
Dinosaurs Love Underpants by Claire Freedman
The Day We Danced in Underpants by Sarah Wilson

 Felt Board Story:

 5 Little Umbrellas

5 little umbrellas by the back door, the red one went outside & now there are four.
4 little umbrellas, pretty as can be, the blue one was needed & now there are three.
3 little umbrellas, oh, how they missed the blue, so, the green one followed & now there are two.
2 little umbrellas, glad there was no sun, the yellow one went into the rain & now there's just one.
1 little umbrella, all alone in the hall, the purple one got picked up & that was all!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday Lapsit


The Farmer in the Dell by John O'Brien
Dogs by Emily Gravett

Today I added signs to our stories so we learned the signs for "dog", "cat", and "mouse" and I encouraged the parents to use the sign whenever the word was used in one of our books.


Opening Song—big group
(to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Hello eyes and hello nose,
Hello fingers, hello toes
Hello shirt and hello shoes,
Hello me and hello you.

Grey Squirrel

Grey squirrel, grey squirrel (bounce)
swish your bushy tail (swish knees side to side)
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel  (bounce)
swish your bushy tail (swish knees side to side)
Wrinkle up your little nose (touch baby’s nose)
Crack some acorns between your toes (touch baby’s toes)
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel  (bounce)
swish your bushy tail. (swish knees side to side)

Wheels on the Bus

Wheels on the bus go round and round
The people on the bus go up and down
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish
All through the town.

 We Hit the Floor Together
(to the tune of For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow)

We hit the floor together,
We hit the floor together,
We hit the floor together,
Because it’s fun to do!

Other verses:
We clap our hands together…
We wiggle our fingers together…
We hit the floor together...

Bumpin Up and Down

Bumpin’ up and down (bounce baby on lap)
In my little red wagon (3x)
Won’t you be my darling’
One wheel’s off (tilt baby to the left)
And the axel’s broken
One wheel’s off (tilt baby to the right)
And the axel’s broken
One wheel’s off (tilt baby to the left)
And the axel’s broken
Won’t you be my darlin’ (hug baby)

Hand Clap Song

Can you clap with two hands?
Two hands? Two hands?
Can you clap with two hands?
Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.

Can you kick with two feet?
Can you wiggle ten fingers?
Can you kiss with two lips?
Can you wave bye bye?

Bye Bye Bubbles
(to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Bye bye bubbles, bye bye bubbles,
See you soon, see you soon,  (x2)